Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Each day I shed a tear for our men and women in uniform, many of whom have unwittingly become the Bush Regime's pawns in its' not-so-hidden policy of economic imperialism.

Each day I shed a hundred tears for the Iraqi people, who have become the victims of a devastating war of aggression. I weep for the dead, the wounded, the tortured. Why don't we hear their stories in the media?

But, most of all, I weep for the future. Will the United States continue to expand its' global economic empire, enriching the rich and exploiting the poor? Where is the U.N.? Why haven't they charged the Bush Regime with high crimes of war? What are they waiting for? Plain and simple- the Bush Regime has violated the Geneva Convention- not to mention the basic human rights of the Iraqi people- and they must be held accountable.

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