Thursday, August 23, 2007

Remember Vietnam? Bush Does... Sort Of

It is perhaps the perfect irony that Jon Stewart's telling satirical history lesson on American foreign policy in the middle east from last night's Daily Show came less than 24 hours before President Bush's speech today, in which he invoked Vietnam-- to support his continued opposition to a troop withdrawal from Iraq.

In a sickening act of historical cherry picking, Bush has attempted to use one of many previous American foreign policy faux pas to justify the continued occupation of Iraq. Bush presumes to take the 'moral high ground' by saying, "hey, remember Vietnam? When we left, bad things happened! Therefore, we need to stay in Iraq," but he conveniently ignores the elephant in the room-- we should not be in Iraq in the first place, nor should we ever have been in Vietnam. It's a bit more complicated than Bush appears to realize-- a brief history lesson would do him and his administration right:

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