Those who walk the corridors of power in Washington like to put America on a pedestal-- the usual cliche is that we are the world's police. But are we so benign? This perception of US foreign policy as good and noble-- the rhetoric of liberty and freedom-- shatters when held to the mirror of history. Not the history as America remembers it or, as is so often the case in this United States of Amnesia, forgets it. No, rather, I speak of another history-- the history of an extraterrestrial observer, history as it actually happened.
In honor of the 200,000 fellow men, women, and children who perished at the hands of an American military that was flexing its nuclear muscles in anticipation the coming stand off with the Soviet Union, I bring you this article by Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman and her brother, David Goodman.
"The Hiroshima Cover-Up"
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