Thursday, June 22, 2006

Senate Rejects Minimum Wage Increase

Central to a functional republic or 'representative democracy' are-- not surprisingly-- representatives.

Let's look at the definition of 'representative':
from Merriam-Webster-- representative: a.) standing or acting for another especially through delegated authority b.) of, based on, or constituting a government in which the many are represented by persons chosen from among them usually by election

When we elect our representatives to congress, we expect them to represent our best interests. Indeed it is their responsibility and obligation to do so. When they do not, what is our recourse? Should not the people have the right to remove their representative(s) from office at any time should they fail to uphold their commitment to the best interest of their constituents?

Certainly scores of such allegations against representatives by the represented could be cited; below is but one-- albeit quite exemplary-- instance.

"[T]he Senate rejected a measure Wednesday that would have raised the minimum wage for the first time in nearly a decade. The proposal called for a 40 percent increase from the current wage of Five Dollars and Fifteen cents an hour. A study released this week by the Economic Policy Institute and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities says the real-dollar value of the minimum wage is now at its lowest level in more than fifty years. But Congress has not rejected all federal pay hikes: last week, House lawmakers voted to increase their salaries by more than Three Thousand Dollars. It was their seventh straight pay raise."

Via Democracy Now!

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